Parece que foi ontem, mas o Batizado do Salvador já foi há um ano!
Para assinalar a data, aqui ficam algumas imagens das coisinhas que fiz para celebrar aquele feliz dia, passado entre amigos e família.
(Feliz porém, é provavelmente uma palavra demasiado diminuta para descrever o que vivenciamos...)
It feels like yesterday, but Salvador's Christening was already one year ago!
To mark the date, here are some pictures of the things I made to celebrate that happy day, spent among friends and family.
(Happy however, is probably a word too small to describe what we experienced...)
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O fato de Baptismo que o Salvador usou era do pai.
A concha baptismal (já mencionada aqui) foi feita pela Madrinha.
A toalha (de família), foi a utilizada no meu próprio Baptismo.
A vela foi-nos oferecida pela minha querida amiga M, e não poderia ser mais especial...
The christening suit that Salvador used was used from his father.
The baptismal shell (already mentioned here) was made by his Godmother.
The towel was used by me on my Baptism.
The candle was offered to us by my dear friend M, and could not be more special... |
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Os convites foram feitos com cartolina A4 vincada, cor pérola, cartolina azul bebé, e fita castanha.
The invitations were made with creased A4 cardstock, pearl and baby blue colors and as well as a brown ribbon.
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Por todas as mesas estavam espalhados pequenos anjinhos de cartolina,
que guardei dos cortes que fiz nos convites.
All the tables were decorated with small cardboard angels, which I kept from the cuts made on the invitations. |
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Para os marcadores de mesa usei os nomes dos vários Arcanjos.
Fiz as ementas utilizando a mesma cartolina e fita castanha com que criei os convites.
For the table marking I used the names of the Archangels.
To make the menus I used the same pearl cardboard and brown ribbon of the invitations. |
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As bandeirolas (também elas já mencionadas aqui) foram feitas pela Madrinha do Salvador.
The buntings (also mentioned here) were made by Salvador's Godmother. |
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Eu queria que o bolo (feito por mim, na minha primeiríssima experiencia de cake design) estivesse em linha com o tema e padrão geral e que o principal destaque fosse para este lindo Anjo, que nos diz tanto.
I wanted the cake (made by me, on my very first attempt of cake designing) to be in line with the overall theme and pattern, and that the main highlight was this beautiful angel, who means so much to us.
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Para as lembranças fiz bolachinhas de chocolate em forma de letras S A L V A D O R e coloquei um nome completo em caixinhas que fiz em cartolina branca, fita castanha e o logo do Batizado do Salvador.
(preciosa ajuda da minha amiga M*)
For the after party gift I made chocolate cookies on alphabetic shape: S A L V A D O R, and put a full name inside a white cardstock box with a brown ribbon and Salvador's Christening logo.
All made with the precious help of my dear friend M*.
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Para agradecer as presenças, fiz dois tipos de carta: a ideia inicial era a da segunda imagem, mas porque se acabaram os envelopes, tive que criar outra solução, envelope e agradecimento tudo-em-um, que acabou por resultar muito bem.
To thank the presences, I created two different types of lettres: the initial idea was the one on the second image, but because I ran out of envelopes, I had to invent a plan B solution, an all-in-one envelope and letter, which worked out very well. |
Bons Batizados!!
Happy Christenings!!
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