Há duas histórias que se cruzaram na minha caminhada para mudar a minha vida. Uma delas é esta:
Era uma vez um ovo de gaivota que rolou para uma capoeira de galinhas.Quando a gaivota nasceu, olhou à sua volta e só viu galinhas. Achando que era uma delas, cresceu a imita-las, mas sempre se sentiu diferente e algo desajeitada. Certo dia, a gaivota olhou para o céu e viu gaivotas a voar. Ficou de tal forma maravilhada que perguntou a outra galinha o que era aquilo. A galinha respondeu-lhe que era uma gaivota. A gaivota ficou fascinada com o que vira e insistiu com a galinha. Perguntou-lhe porque é que elas não voavam ou planavam como as gaivotas. A galinha respondeu-lhe que o lugar delas era na capoeira, a comer milho, e explicou-lhe a diferença entre as galinhas e as gaivotas. A gaivota ficou triste porque, afinal, ela preferia ser como aquela gaivota que voava, sem saber que também ela, era uma delas. Então, resignou-se com a sua condição de galinha e ficou naquela capoeira durante toda a sua vida.
In Chicken Soup for the Soul, de Jack Canfield e Mark Victor Hansen
There are two stories that crossed my path to change my life. One of them is this: Once upon a time a seagull egg rolled into a chicken's farmyard. When the gull was born, she looked around and saw only chickens. Thinking she was one of them, she grew up imitating them, but always felt different and clumsy. One day, the gull looked up to the sky and saw seagulls flying. That was such a wonder for her, so she asked to a chicken what was that. The chicken replied that it was a seagull. The gull was fascinated by what she had seen and asked why they did not fly or glide, like seagulls. Chicken answered that their place was in the farmyard, eating corn, and explained the difference between the chickens and the seagulls. The gull was sad because, after all, she would rather prefer to be like the flying seagulls. Unaware that she was also one of them, she resigned herself with her chicken condition and spent all her life in that farmyard.
In Chicken Soup for the Soul, from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
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