Durante estes dias de ausência, tenho-me questionado diariamente acerca das plantas do meu mini-jardim...
Vejo nas noticias e redes sociais o descontentamento geral com as mudanças climatéricas e depois dou comigo para aqui a festejar sozinha qualquer descidazinha de temperatura, para que elas sofram o menos possível.
Na incerteza daquilo que irei encontrar quando chegar, lembrei-me de tirar bastantes fotos antes de sair de casa para rever todos os dias aqui.
Espero que a teoria da energia telepática seja mesmo verdadeira e elas sintam a esta distância, as imensas saudades que tenho delas.
During these days of absence, I'd been wondering about the plants of my mini-garden...
I see the general dissatisfaction in the news and social networks about the climate changes and then find myself celebrating any minor temperature drop, so that they suffer as little as possible.
In the uncertainty of what I will find when I get home, I took plenty of photos before I left to watch over them.
I sincerily hope that the telepathic energy theory is somehow true and they feel, at this distance, that I miss them so much.
During these days of absence, I'd been wondering about the plants of my mini-garden...
I see the general dissatisfaction in the news and social networks about the climate changes and then find myself celebrating any minor temperature drop, so that they suffer as little as possible.
In the uncertainty of what I will find when I get home, I took plenty of photos before I left to watch over them.
I sincerily hope that the telepathic energy theory is somehow true and they feel, at this distance, that I miss them so much.
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