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Quando o N me convidou para escrever um artigo, mensalmente, para a Kide Magazine, a minha primeira reacção foi pensar que se tinha enganado no número.
Quando o N me convidou para escrever um artigo, mensalmente, para a Kide Magazine, a minha primeira reacção foi pensar que se tinha enganado no número.
Uma plataforma de kids fashion? De certeza? - Se há território, absolutamente, inexplorado no Sofia's Whispers é o mundo da moda!
Rapidamente o N me garantiu não estar enganado, coisíssima nenhuma, e tratou de me explicar o projecto, tim-tim-por-tim-tim.
Eu escreveria, afinal, para a coluna Living.
(Fewww... Podia respirar de alívio...)
Eu escreveria, afinal, para a coluna Living.
(Fewww... Podia respirar de alívio...)
Não havia como dizer "não" a este desafio, e a minha segunda reacção, foi sentir-me grata pela consideração desta simpática equipa.
O primeiro artigo já está live, aqui.
Podem, também, conhecer as demais autoras, e respectivas colunas, aqui.
Podem, também, conhecer as demais autoras, e respectivas colunas, aqui.
Ora bem, apesar de eu não dominar, particularmente, bem o mundo da moda, é facto que sei , exactamente, aquilo de que gosto - especialmente, se se trata de escolher roupa para o Salvador -
Identifico-me com o clássico intemporal. Cores neutras.
As propostas da KIDE, foram portanto, uma muito agradável descoberta. Pois reúne numa só plataforma, uma seleção de pequenas marcas de designers independentes, que oferecem artigos trendy a preços justos. A seleção das marcas tem sempre em atenção três princípios básicos: qualidade, design e práticas sustentáveis de produção.
Gosto muito de saber que a Kide, reúne peças de que gosto de vestir ao meu filho, mas gosto também de saber que existe uma preocupação em ajudar as marcas e designers locais, a crescer de forma sustentável e consciente.
Adicionalmente, é bom saber que se pode comprar online, em qualquer parte do mundo.
Muito obrigada por esta parceria, NP. Grata.
When N invited me to write a monthly article for Kide Magazine, my first reaction was: "He must have got the wrong number".
A kids fashion platform? Is this for real? - If is there an, absolutely, unexplored territory in Sofia's Whispers, this would be the fashion world! What do I know about fashion?
N quickly explained the project to me, and assured me that he wasn't mistaken. He wanted me to write for their Living column.
(Fewww... I could live with that...)
There was no way to say "no" to this challenge, and my second reaction, was to feel grateful for this opportunity.
The first article is already live here.
You can also know the other authors, and their columns, here.
Well, although I don't know much about the fashion world, it is a fact that I know, exactly, what I do like. (Particularly if it comes to choosing clothes for Salvador). I identify myself with a timeless classic style. Neutral colors.
KIDE's proposals, were therefore, a very nice discovery. As it gathers in a single platform a selection of small independent brands of designers, that offer trendy items at fair prices. The selection of brands always have in mind three basic principles: quality, design and sustainable production practices.
I like to know that Kide stocks pieces that I'd like to dress my son on, but I also like to aknowledge that there's a mindful concern in helping brands and local designers to grow sustainably.
Additionally, it is likewise good to know that you can buy online, anywhere in the world.
Dear NP, thank you so very much for this partnership.
Muito obrigada por esta parceria, NP. Grata.
A kids fashion platform? Is this for real? - If is there an, absolutely, unexplored territory in Sofia's Whispers, this would be the fashion world! What do I know about fashion?
N quickly explained the project to me, and assured me that he wasn't mistaken. He wanted me to write for their Living column.
(Fewww... I could live with that...)
There was no way to say "no" to this challenge, and my second reaction, was to feel grateful for this opportunity.
The first article is already live here.
You can also know the other authors, and their columns, here.
Well, although I don't know much about the fashion world, it is a fact that I know, exactly, what I do like. (Particularly if it comes to choosing clothes for Salvador). I identify myself with a timeless classic style. Neutral colors.
KIDE's proposals, were therefore, a very nice discovery. As it gathers in a single platform a selection of small independent brands of designers, that offer trendy items at fair prices. The selection of brands always have in mind three basic principles: quality, design and sustainable production practices.
I like to know that Kide stocks pieces that I'd like to dress my son on, but I also like to aknowledge that there's a mindful concern in helping brands and local designers to grow sustainably.
Additionally, it is likewise good to know that you can buy online, anywhere in the world.
Dear NP, thank you so very much for this partnership.
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