Há 4 anos atrás fui mãe pela primeira vez...
Mãe do pequeno, Grande Alexandre!
Quis o destino que ele fosse meu apenas durante 99 dias...
Não mais. Não menos...
Estivesse ele entre nós e estaria eu mais do que atarefada na minha cozinha a preparar coisas doces para a sua festa de aniversário...
Haveriam muitos balões pela casa...
Suponho que com 4 anos, me sugeriría ele claramente qual o tema para a sua festa...
Os seus amigo tocaríam à campainha uns atrás dos outros, e ele correria a chamar-me a mim e ao pai para irmos juntos recebe-los à porta...
Sorriría muito o meu menino por ter plena consciência de que era um dia exclusivamente dedicado a si...
Haveriam de brilhar muito os seus olhinhos quando chegasse o momento de soprar à sua quarta vela - Afinal já era um pouquinho mais crescido!... (Ai esta ânsia de crescer!!)
O papá e eu enche-lo-íamos de beijinhos e ele envergonhado, diria: Vá lá... deixem-me!
Quis o destino que eu nunca viesse a viver estas sensações... Quis o destino que eu as sentisse como mais ninguém!...
Mais um ano; mais um bolo; mais uma vela; mais uma ausência... Daquele que foi meu apenas durante 99 dias...
Não mais. Não menos...
4 years ago, I became a mum for the first time ...
Mother of the little but Great Alex.
My fate wanted him to be mine for only 99 days...
No more. No less...
If he was among us, I'd be more than busy in my kitchen today, preparing all the sweet things for his birthday party...
If he was among us, our home would be dressed with balloons...
I suppose that at the age of 4, he'd be suggesting me very clearly what the theme he wanted for his birthday party...
His friends would be ringing at the door bell, one after another, and he'd be running to us to receive them together...
My little man would be smiling a lot, all proud and fully aware that this was a day exclusively dedicated to him.
His eyes would be shining like the brightest star in the sky, when the time to blow out the candle arrived - he'd be a little older, after all!... (Oh this eagerness to grow up!!)
Daddy and I would be filling him with kisses, and he, a little embarrassed, would say: Come on ... let me go!
My fate wanted me to never know what these sensations were... My fate wanted me to feel them like nobody else! ...
Another year, another cake, another candle, another absence... of the One who was mine for only 99 days...
No more. No less ...
Mother of the little but Great Alex.
My fate wanted him to be mine for only 99 days...
No more. No less...
If he was among us, I'd be more than busy in my kitchen today, preparing all the sweet things for his birthday party...
If he was among us, our home would be dressed with balloons...
I suppose that at the age of 4, he'd be suggesting me very clearly what the theme he wanted for his birthday party...
His friends would be ringing at the door bell, one after another, and he'd be running to us to receive them together...
My little man would be smiling a lot, all proud and fully aware that this was a day exclusively dedicated to him.
His eyes would be shining like the brightest star in the sky, when the time to blow out the candle arrived - he'd be a little older, after all!... (Oh this eagerness to grow up!!)
Daddy and I would be filling him with kisses, and he, a little embarrassed, would say: Come on ... let me go!
My fate wanted me to never know what these sensations were... My fate wanted me to feel them like nobody else! ...
Another year, another cake, another candle, another absence... of the One who was mine for only 99 days...
No more. No less ...
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